Friday, December 18, 2015

Prompt 5

Part I
You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch
What is your least favorite personal quality in others? Extra points for sharing your least favorite personal quality in yourself. *Remember this is not about bashing. Do not put yourself or anyone else down. You can also write about your favorite qualities instead of your least favorite as an alternative.
  Part II
My Precious
Who is the person in your life who can do no wrong? Describe this person and tell us why you hold them in such high esteem.  


Thursday, December 17, 2015

Prompt 4

The New School
You get to redesign school as we know it from the ground up. Will you do away with reading, writing, and math? What skills and knowledge will your school focus on teaching young minds?

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Prompt 3

By the Skin of Your Teeth
Share a time when you narrowly avoided disaster.


Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Prompt 2

Memories of Holidays Past
What is your very favorite holiday? Recount the specific memory or memories that have made that holiday special to you.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Prompt 1

Festivus for the Rest of Us
You have been named supreme ruler of the universe. Your first order of business is creating and instituting a holiday or festival in your honor. What day of the year is your holiday? What special events will take place? Describe YOU DAY in as great a detail as you can muster: the special foods we’ll consume, the decorations we’ll use…everything.

Monday, December 7, 2015

7th Grade Poetry Book Assignment

You have written some lovely poems this marking period! Now we are going to make a book to put all of that work together. Here are some guidelines:

1. Go through all of the poetry you have written.
2. Find a theme or topic to make your book about.
3. Create a title and design a cover page (use drawings or pictures).
4. Choose your SEVEN to TEN best poems (write more if you have to) and put them together in your book.
5. You will need to retype old poems to make the book cohesive.
6. Edit/Add pictures
7. Put it all together!



Thursday, December 3, 2015

7th Grade Assignment: Haiku Day!

A haiku is a short three line poem that captures a brief moment (usually about nature.) The pattern is 5-7-5 (syllables!)

Here is the link for haiku practice!


8th GRADE-Example Script: Stage Play Format


The following is laid out in the way we like to have all scripts sent to us. Here are a

few Do’s and Don’ts


1. Use Microsoft Word or equivalent text document

2. Use a popular font type such as Arial and 12 point size

3. Single line spaced
4. Character names should be bold and CAPITALS

5. Character names contained in stage directions should be ITALIC AND


6. Dialogue is indented from the character name

7. Stage directions are to be in italics

8. Stage directions within dialogue should be (in brackets and italics)


1. Use the space bar to indent the dialogue. That’s what Tabs are for

2. Lay your script out using a Table. That drives us nuts!


Set in 1950’s style diner, “McDenny’s”, in the present day England. BERYL is sitting

at the back of a “u” shaped booth. She is tucking into a large burger and reading a
gas bill


LYNDA: (speaking to SUSAN and ROD as they make their way over to BERYL)

...put your back into it man, I said, use some elbow grease, don’t just

tickle it, I want to see my face in it... Hi Beryl...

BERYL hides the burger under the table

BERYL: Oh hi

SUSAN: (sits at the table at the left side of BERYL) He was doing his best.


LYNDA: I don’t want to see any smear marks and don’t bend the aerial or I’ll stop it

out of your wages.

LYNDA and ROD sit to the right of BERYL

SUSAN: Lynda, I think you’re being a bit harsh. Hi Beryl

LYNDA: If you’re going to do something, do it right that’s what I say.