Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Steps to Follow When Writing a Play

Bell Work/Do Now

Please copy the following seven steps into your notebooks. 
REMINDER: Notebooks are graded!

Steps to Follow When Writing a Play

Step 1: Begin with an idea. 

Step 2: Develop the story before turning it into a play. 

Step 3: Create interesting characters. 

Step 4: Create the world carefully. 

Step 5: Write believable dialogue. 

Step 6: Write a lot of action. 

Step 7: Keep it simple. 

Whole Group Time

1. Hand in signed progress reports and/or any missing work. 
2. Discuss and go over The Steps to Follow When Writing a Play
3. Go over deadlines/questions.
4. Arts standards

Arts Standards

Standard 1: Creating, Performing and Participating in the Arts
Students will actively engage in the processes that constitute creation and performance in the arts (in this case, theater) and participate in various roles in the arts. 

Standard 2: Knowing and Using Arts Materials and Resources
Students will be knowledgeable about and make use of the materials and resources available for participating in the arts in various roles. 

Work Time

1. Continue working on play synopsis/summary. 
2. Build character list/conflict. 


1. Write your due date in your agenda:
Synopsis is due Wednesday, October 1st!
2. Clean up your space, log off your computers and push in your chairs. 


Work on your synopsis if you are behind schedule. 

Have a great day!

Monday, September 29, 2014

One Act Play Assignment


A one act play can have as few as one character or as many as 15. It can be set in anytime, cover any theme, be in any language and tell any type of story. The only real definable feature is that a one act play simply has only that, one act. It is like a short story told only with dialogue.

Your assignment, worth 100 points is to write your own one act play. Your plays should be typed and formatted properly. This assignment, besides the guidelines below, is pretty wide open. I encourage you to write what you know and to write about what interests you. Your play can be anything you want it to be. It can be a play for kids. It can have musical numbers, be set in outer space or inside your own house. You can be the star of the play or it can be about people who are nothing like you. You tell the story you want to tell!

*This assignment addresses NYS Arts Standards 1 and 2, along with Common Core Standards for ELA. We will discuss these standards in class tomorrow!


  • At least 4 pages long (This is easier than expected when writing a play.)
  • 12 pt. font
  • Follows proper dramatic format
  • Is an original creation- all your own work!


The following are dates when you will have to get something turned in to show your progress and receive feedback. These check-in dates are a third of your grade, 

Wednesday, October 1, 2014- A synopsis, or a summary of your one act play. Compile a list of characters. Identify the conflict; explain how the plot proceeds and how your play will end. 

Friday, October 3, 2014- Minimum of two pages of your play with dialogue and stage directions hand written or typed. 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014- Typed rough draft of your play (at least four pages completed.) 

Thursday, October 9, 2014- Final copies of your play typed and turned in by the end of the class period. 

  • You will receive various resources to help you with the play writing process. Please keep these materials organized and use them!
  • If you are unsure of something, ask for help. 
  • This is an arts class- do not be afraid to find your voice. 
  • Have fun!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Happy Wednesday!

Hello! As you can see, I am not here today. Please read the instructions for your class period below: 

Periods 3 and 8 (8th Grade Creative Writing)

1. Please finish up any work you are doing for your poetry assignments and catch up on any missing work you may have. (We went over missing assignments yesterday!) 

2. When you are done, please respond to one of the following prompts: 

  •   Describe the perfect day. Put in as many details as you can. Make it a possible day, not a "dream day." 
  • Describe a real made-up dream or nightmare.
  • Describe an event that changed your life forever, or make up and describe an event that would change your life forever.
  • Describe someone who is a hero to you and explain why.
*Do your best to develop your answers. Use paragraphs write at least a couple of pages.

Hand in what you accomplish by the end of class to receive credit. 

Your behavior and participation are being graded as well!

Period 6 (7th Grade Creative Writing)
1. You were asked yesterday to brainstorm ideas for a play and write a short synopsis of that play. A synopsis is a short summary explaining what your play is about. 1-2 paragraphs is perfect! Please make sure this is done before you go to step two. 

2. Begin writing your play. Do not worry about length and/or any guidelines, just begin the writing process. 

3. Save your work at the end of class. I will check to see what you accomplished tomorrow in order to give you a grade. 

*No homework tonight!

Period 9 (7th Grade Creative Writing)
1. Continue working on your visual arts and creative writing projects.

2. We will set a deadline today, so think about how much time you will need to do this assignment well.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Journal Prompts

Complete the phrases and choose one to journal about. Try to write 1-2 pages. You may type or write this journal entry.

  1.  If I could live anywhere in the world, I would choose _________.
  2.  The thing I regret most about my life is ___________________.
  3.  If I could accomplish one more thing, I would ______________.
  4.  My favorite childhood memory is ________________________.
  5.  The saddest/happiest moment in my life was when___________.
  6.     The thing that scares me the most is ______________________. 

Monday, September 8, 2014

Dear Me Letters Continued

Bell Work: Please take out your supplies and open your notebooks to your brainstorms from last week. In order to get full credit I need to see:

  • Notebook with brainstorm
  • Folder
  • Pens/pencils
  • Student agenda

E.Q. Am I organized and ready to learn this week?

1. After your homework is out and ready to be checked, please continue working on your letter from last week. 

2. Make sure your letter is well-developed and detailed. 

3. When you finish, you will have time to share your letters with a classmate. 

4. You are also welcome to type your letters if you have time. 

5. Do not print without asking permission! When you do print, you will need to choose the HP Laser Jet 5200 printer (see me with questions.)

6. Letters are due at the end of class. I will explain how to hand them in. 

*If you finish before class is over, I have something for you to do. 

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Welcome to our Blog!

Welcome to middle school creative writing! I will post a great deal of information for the class right here, so be sure to check the blog often!

You are welcome to comment and ask questions on the blog, but please make sure that your posts are school related and appropriate. Thank you!

Here is today's agenda: 

Bell Work: Find and bookmark the class blog!

Essential Question: Am I prepared to start the new school year?

1. In your notebooks, brainstorm about the following: 

  • Goals
  • Expectations
  • Feelings about starting a new school year.
2. Task: Write a Dear Me Letter. 
Here are some guidelines on how to get an A: 
  • Write yourself a letter discussing your feelings about starting a new school year.
  • What did you love and hate about last year?
  • What are your goals and expectations for this year?
  • How do you feel about being at SOTA?

*Note: These guidelines are here to get you started. You may add to the them as well!

* If you type your letter, please use Microsoft Word and SAVE YOUR WORK! Don't know how? ASK!