Friday, October 17, 2014

Poetry Book Assignment

You have written some lovely poems this marking period! Now we are going to make a book to put all of that work together. Here are some guidelines: 

1. Go through all of the poetry you have written. 
2. Find a theme or topic to make your book about.
3. Create a title and design a cover page (use drawings or pictures). 
4. Choose your FIVE best poems (write more if you have to) and put them together in your book. 
5. You will need to retype old poems to make the book cohesive. 
6. Edit/Add pictures
7. Put it all together!


Thursday, October 16, 2014

Diamante Poems

Here is today's poetry form! Please make sure you try at least three and turn in your best poem!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Acrostic Poems

Try writing an acrostic poem today! Use the link below!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Poetry Mini Unit!

Bell Work

In your notebooks, answer the question: WHAT IS POETRY?

Good Morning Middle School Students!

We are going to begin our poetry mini unit today. As we begin to write poems remember that when writing poetry it is important to use your IMAGINATION. 

The best poems make people THINK and FEEL. They help us to look at the world DIFFERENTLY. (Arts Standards 1 & 2)

Today's Assignment
1. We are going to work on shape/theme poems today and use an interactive computer tool. 

2.Click below:

3. Follow the steps given. Try the process as many times as you would like. Print your best poem to turn in. 

*Did you know? A shape poem is called a CONCRETE poem!

EXTENSION: Did you know you can create your own shape poem by hand? If you would like more of a challenge, try this! See me with questions. 

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Format For a Play

Bell Work/Do Now
Please copy the following into your notebooks:

Stage Directions

  • Stage directions can either come before dialogue to set up a scene or within lines of dialogue. 
  • The lines within dialogue explain how lines are supposed to be said or something a character is supposed to do. This type of stage direction is italicized but is also contained inside brackets or parenthesis. 

Whole Group Time
  • Pass back work. 
  • Read play example (Standard 2)
  • Answer questions. 

Work Time
  • Finish up play synopsis and character list (due at the end of class today.)
  • Begin draft of play (Standard 1)
  • Questions asked and answered.
  • Turn in work. 
  • Clean up your space. 

  • None- Unless you were unable to turn in your work today. 
  • If you need to finish your play synopsis for homework, I will accept it tomorrow for a late grade. 
  • If you owe any work, take this time to catch up.