Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Format For a Play

Bell Work/Do Now
Please copy the following into your notebooks:

Stage Directions

  • Stage directions can either come before dialogue to set up a scene or within lines of dialogue. 
  • The lines within dialogue explain how lines are supposed to be said or something a character is supposed to do. This type of stage direction is italicized but is also contained inside brackets or parenthesis. 

Whole Group Time
  • Pass back work. 
  • Read play example (Standard 2)
  • Answer questions. 

Work Time
  • Finish up play synopsis and character list (due at the end of class today.)
  • Begin draft of play (Standard 1)
  • Questions asked and answered.
  • Turn in work. 
  • Clean up your space. 

  • None- Unless you were unable to turn in your work today. 
  • If you need to finish your play synopsis for homework, I will accept it tomorrow for a late grade. 
  • If you owe any work, take this time to catch up. 

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