Tuesday, January 27, 2015

This Marking Period Ends Friday!

E.Q. What do I need to do in order to complete the marking period successfully and earn a grade I am proud of?

Hello! As you know, the marking period ends Friday. Each of you have been given a list of your missing assignments. Here are your responsibilities this week:

1. Finish your scary/story (make the corrections you were asked to make.)

2. Turn in your post assessment if it is different from your scary story.

3. Complete any missing work.

4. Do extra credit if you need to raise any of your late grades.

5. Choose a writing prompt listed here for a new grade. DO NOT start this without completing any and all missing work thus far!

Writing Prompts

Write 2 pages responding to one of the prompts below. You have my permission to create your own prompt if these don't work for you. If you finish early, start another one. Try to write as much as you can to help raise your grade.
  • If I could live anywhere in the world, I would choose...
  • The thing I regret most about my life is...
  • If I could accomplish one more thing, I would...
  • My favorite childhood memory is...
  • The saddest/happiest moment in my life was when...
  • The thing that scares me the most is...

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