Monday, November 30, 2015



A one act play can have as few as one character or as many as 15. It can be set in anytime, cover any theme, be in any language and tell any type of story. The only real definable feature is that a one act play simply has only that, one act. It is like a short story told only with dialogue.

Your assignment, worth 100 points is to write your own one act play. Your plays should be typed and formatted properly. This assignment, besides the guidelines below, is pretty wide open. I encourage you to write what you know and to write about what interests you. Your play can be anything you want it to be. It can be a play for kids. It can have musical numbers, be set in outer space or inside your own house. You can be the star of the play or it can be about people who are nothing like you. You tell the story you want to tell!

*This assignment addresses NYS Arts Standards 1 and 2, along with Common Core Standards for ELA. We will discuss these standards in class tomorrow!


  • At least 4 pages long (This is easier than expected when writing a play.)
  • 12 pt. font
  • Follows proper dramatic format
  • Is an original creation- all your own work!


The following are dates when you will have to get something turned in to show your progress and receive feedback. These check-in dates are a third of your grade, 

Wednesday, December 2, 2015- A synopsis, or a summary of your one act play. Compile a list of characters. Identify the conflict; explain how the plot proceeds and how your play will end. 

Friday, December 5, 2015- Minimum of two pages of your play with dialogue and stage directions hand written or typed. 

Tuesday, December 9, 2015- Typed rough draft of your play (at least four pages completed.) 

Thursday, December 11, 2015- Final copies of your play typed and turned in by the end of the class period.

Friday, December 12, 2015- Optional performances!

  • You will receive various resources to help you with the play writing process. Please keep these materials organized and use them!
  • If you are unsure of something, ask for help. 
  • This is an arts class- do not be afraid to find your voice. 
  • Have fun!

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