Tuesday, March 15, 2016



  • Three to six pages long
  • Double Spacing is fine, but not required
  • Size 12, Times New Roman font



  • 3/18/16 – Complete rough draft due
  • 3/22/16 – Second draft due
  • 3/24/16 – Final due



  • Develop a story that is within your range of experience.
  • Choose a story that is simple enough to be handled in only three to six pages.
  • Write one to four scenes only.
  • Create an original title for your story.
    Writing Guidelines

  • Show, don’t tell; for example, “His head scraped the ceiling,” instead of, “He was tall.” 
  • Focus on important events, and exclude irrelevant details.
  • Use figurative language, descriptive details, and sensory language to make your writing come alive.
  • Develop an individual manner of speaking for each character in your story
  • Choose vivid, specific words to tell your story; avoid general words such as nice, good, bad, went, said, happy, thing, etc.
    Story Elements
  • Tell the story in first-person point of view.
  • Create fully-developed, realistic characters – avoid stereotypes.
  • Describe the setting of your story.
  • Create a complete plotline; the lead, rising action, climax, and resolution should all be fully developed. 
    Additional information

  • Most of the work will be done in the computer lab, but you may also need to do some work at home in order to meet deadlines.
  • A teacher-student writing conference is recommended. 
Realistic Fiction Rubric
You do this consistently and/or with excellent effect.
You do this often and/or with good effect.
You do this inconsistently and/or with limited effect.
You need to improve here to write more effectively.
The piece is realistic in its portrayal of characters and events.
All parts of the plot are fully developed: problem, rising action, climax, and resolution.
Details are so vivid that the reader can experience the settings, characters, and events.
The piece has a clear, consistent focus – it includes important elements of the story, but leaves out unimportant parts
Dialogue is realistic, meaningful, and reflects the personality of each speaker. 
Clear, specific, vivid word choice helps create a distinctive voice.
The writing process is evident through the clarity and fluidity of the final draft.
Errors in spelling, grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and other conventions are incidental.
Followed directions and met deadlines.

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