Thursday, April 21, 2016

Designing Characters and Setting

Bell Work: What is a setting? Why is it important for characters to have a setting in a story?

Essential Question: How do I write a creative short story using complex characters?

Whole Group Time
1. Discuss setting
2. Essential Question
4. Arts standards

*Note: If you missed yesterdays's character profile lesson, you must complete at least 20 of the questions provided to be prepared for class tomorrow.

Arts Standards
Standard 1: Creating, Performing and Participating in the Arts
Students will actively engage in the processes that constitute creation and performance in the arts (in this case, theater) and participate in various roles in the arts. 

Standard 2: Knowing and Using Arts Materials and Resources
Students will be knowledgeable about and make use of the materials and resources available for participating in the arts in various roles. 

Work Time
1. Choose a setting and describe it on an index card.
2. Discuss with classmates.
3. Decide if we want to swap with a partner or not.

1. Write down homework if you do not finish today's task.
2. Clean up your space, log off your computers and push in your chairs. 

Finish your character profiles and/or setting descriptions to be prepared for tomorrow's lesson.

Have a great day!

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