Monday, April 25, 2016

Short Story Guidelines

Bell Work: Write down 3-5 sentences describing the conflict or problem in your first story. Keep in mind that you should be using the character and setting that you worked on last week.
  • We are going to begin writing our short stories today.
  • You should have a well developed protagonist, setting and conflict! It is now your job to put this all together and design the plot! (In other words, you are going to write the story.)
Here are the guidelines to help you get an A.
Short Story Guidelines
  • Stories must be 3-5 pages typed and double spaced.
  • You must use a 12 point, Times New Roman or Arial font.
  • Rough Draft is due
  • Final copies are due
*Your planning pages will be graded. Please have them completed so you can turn them in! Finish them for homework if they are not done. All of the assignments given are posted to the blog!
Happy writing!

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