Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Imitating an Author Assignment

The Assignment
For this assignment, you will be creating your own short story. I would like you to "steal" at least one element of story writing from the author you studied last week. You could use a protagonist (main character) of your author. You could also use the setting, genre, conflict, etc.  
Use the elements of story writing that you have learned in school so far. The goal is to work towards creating a story that includes these elements, and also takes into account all of the challenges that are a part of writing good fiction. You may choose any genre you would like for this assignment. 

Choose an online tool to help you! Everyone must choose one!

Story map

Plot Diagram

Circle Plot Diagram

In crafting your story, keep the following in mind:

  • Choose a theme/conflict as the basis for your story.
  • Use indirect characterization (description of character’s appearance, actions, thoughts, words, and other character’s reactions to them) to bring your characters to “life.”
  • Think carefully about your lead and your conclusion-your lead should draw the reader into the story (narrative hook), and your conclusion should provide some sort of resolution.
  • Try using thoughts and descriptive pictures (imagery) to make your story and characters believable. 


As you write and revise your story, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Give enough information so the reader can actually picture the story events and characters.
  • Give details that are specific and relevant.
  • Consider word choice and sentence structure carefully.
  • Correct any grammatical and spelling errors.

Practical Considerations

Be sure to following all guidelines set forth in class.  Remember:
  • Your story must be a minimum of two and a half-four typed pages and no more than four.
  • Use Times New Roman, size 12 font for everything, including the title.  Double space your story.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Dialogue Practice!

After grading your latest stories, I realize that we need to practice writing dialogue. Here is today's task:

Write a single page of writing using dialogue!

  • You should have at least two characters speaking.
  • There should be writing other than dialogue.
  • DO NOT Write a play!
  • Indent when a new character speaks.
  • Punctuation goes inside quotations.

This article may help if you are struggling...

Monday, September 21, 2015

Author Biography PowerPoint Presentation

Objective:  Create a PowerPoint presentation about an author of significance.

  1. Decide whose biography you will do research on.  Your person should be someone who has contributed something of importance to society or history and has become well-known because of it.

Have this person approved!

  1. Create an 8-slide PowerPoint presentation about the person you have chosen to research.
           Slide 1: Introduction Slide

         Slide 2: Background Information

·         Where/when was this person born?

·         Childhood 

         Slide 3: Becoming an Author

·         What did this person do for a living?

·         What qualities or traits do you believe made this person a successful author?

·         What did this person do to become published?

         Slide 4: Impact on Others
·         How has this person made an impact on others’ lives?
·         In what ways was his/her life remarkable, admirable, or even despicable?
·         Was this person a hero? Why or why not?
Slide 5: Decisions/Lessons
·         Did this person make any major mistakes or bad decisions?
·         What are some important lessons you or any other person might learn from the way this person lived?
Slide 6: Quotes
·         Famous quotes from this person
·         What do the quotes mean to you?
            Slide 7: Other/Your choice

Slide 8: Sources
  1. You must have pictures ON EACH SLIDE! Pictures must be clear and appropriate.  They must add to the purpose and design of the slides. 
  1. Slides should be clear, easy to read, and well balanced.
  1. Correct spelling/grammar
  1. Present to class:
·         Speak clearly
·         Explain each slide thoroughly
·         Make it easy to understand
Presentation was engaging, interesting, and created curiosity.
You brought your topic to life with complete, thorough, and appropriate information.
Your visual was well crafted and helped the class understand your information.
Presentation was well given.  You understood the material and spoke clearly to the audience.
Use of Tools
You demonstrated proper use of PowerPoint tools. (Formatting, Animation, Transitions, etc.) 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015


EXTRA CREDIT: When you are done look up the meaning of your name and write a response about what you find. Is it accurate? What does your name say about you?

Monday, September 14, 2015

Your 15 Things

Read About it HERE!

Assignment: Respond to the prompt above. Please don't just list your 15 things. Explain the why. Add details and develop your ideas!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Writing Prompts for 7th Grade Only

8th Grade Students
Please finish working on your Ekphrastic Stories this week.

7th Grade Students
When you are finished writing your Dear Me Letter, print it and turn it in. Then begin the next assignment below.

Write 1 1/2-2 pages responding to one of the prompts below. Try to write as much as you can by adding details to your writing. Don't forget to use paragraphs and SPELL CHECK!
  • If I could live anywhere in the world, I would choose...
  • The thing I regret most about my life is...
  • If I could accomplish one more thing, I would...
  • My favorite childhood memory is...
  • The saddest/happiest moment in my life was when...
  • The thing that scares me the most is...

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Ekphrastic Storytelling

Ekphrasis: Writing that comments on another art form. For example, a poem written about a painting or a story about a photograph. 

Essential Question: Do I know what ekphrastic storytelling is? Can I write a story based on a picture one of my classmates provides?

Bellwork: Take some time to find an interesting image on the internet to serve as a starting point for a story!

Work Time:

1. Find a partner and show them the picture you found.

2. Discuss the pictures and brainstorm some story ideas.

3. Begin writing your first creative writing story by using the image provided.

Hint: If you do not like the picture you were given, try to find an angle to take the story where you want to go. For example, take your character to a new setting.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Welcome to Our Blog!

Welcome to middle school creative writing! I will post a great deal of information for the class right here, so be sure to check the blog often!

You are welcome to comment and ask questions on the blog, but please make sure that your posts are school related and appropriate. Thank you!

Here is today's agenda: 

Bell Work: Find and bookmark the class blog!

Essential Question: Am I prepared to start the new school year?

1. In your notebooks, brainstorm about the following: 

  • Goals
  • Expectations
  • Feelings about starting a new school year.
2. Task: Write a Dear Me Letter. 
Here are some guidelines on how to get an A: 
  • Write yourself a letter discussing your feelings about starting a new school year.
  • What did you love and hate about last year?
  • What are your goals and expectations for this year?
  • How do you feel about being at SOTA?

*Note: These guidelines are here to get you started. You may add to the them as well!

* If you type your letter, please use Microsoft Word and SAVE YOUR WORK! Don't know how? ASK!