Thursday, September 10, 2015

Writing Prompts for 7th Grade Only

8th Grade Students
Please finish working on your Ekphrastic Stories this week.

7th Grade Students
When you are finished writing your Dear Me Letter, print it and turn it in. Then begin the next assignment below.

Write 1 1/2-2 pages responding to one of the prompts below. Try to write as much as you can by adding details to your writing. Don't forget to use paragraphs and SPELL CHECK!
  • If I could live anywhere in the world, I would choose...
  • The thing I regret most about my life is...
  • If I could accomplish one more thing, I would...
  • My favorite childhood memory is...
  • The saddest/happiest moment in my life was when...
  • The thing that scares me the most is...

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