Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Ekphrastic Storytelling

Ekphrasis: Writing that comments on another art form. For example, a poem written about a painting or a story about a photograph. 

Essential Question: Do I know what ekphrastic storytelling is? Can I write a story based on a picture one of my classmates provides?

Bellwork: Take some time to find an interesting image on the internet to serve as a starting point for a story!

Work Time:

1. Find a partner and show them the picture you found.

2. Discuss the pictures and brainstorm some story ideas.

3. Begin writing your first creative writing story by using the image provided.

Hint: If you do not like the picture you were given, try to find an angle to take the story where you want to go. For example, take your character to a new setting.

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