Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Imitating an Author Assignment

The Assignment
For this assignment, you will be creating your own short story. I would like you to "steal" at least one element of story writing from the author you studied last week. You could use a protagonist (main character) of your author. You could also use the setting, genre, conflict, etc.  
Use the elements of story writing that you have learned in school so far. The goal is to work towards creating a story that includes these elements, and also takes into account all of the challenges that are a part of writing good fiction. You may choose any genre you would like for this assignment. 

Choose an online tool to help you! Everyone must choose one!

Story map

Plot Diagram

Circle Plot Diagram

In crafting your story, keep the following in mind:

  • Choose a theme/conflict as the basis for your story.
  • Use indirect characterization (description of character’s appearance, actions, thoughts, words, and other character’s reactions to them) to bring your characters to “life.”
  • Think carefully about your lead and your conclusion-your lead should draw the reader into the story (narrative hook), and your conclusion should provide some sort of resolution.
  • Try using thoughts and descriptive pictures (imagery) to make your story and characters believable. 


As you write and revise your story, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Give enough information so the reader can actually picture the story events and characters.
  • Give details that are specific and relevant.
  • Consider word choice and sentence structure carefully.
  • Correct any grammatical and spelling errors.

Practical Considerations

Be sure to following all guidelines set forth in class.  Remember:
  • Your story must be a minimum of two and a half-four typed pages and no more than four.
  • Use Times New Roman, size 12 font for everything, including the title.  Double space your story.

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